Current Buyer Inquiry is now a strict list of check boxes for most families.
Bigger house with dual accommodation ability for grown children and/or elderly parents
Bigger backyard for pool/self sufficient garden/kids to play/dog
Solar panels
Fast Internet
Multiple living areas/outdoor relaxation/man shed
Sit in kitchen ie not just a breakfast bar
Location near the beach/in a family community/in the hinterland
Don't mind a 'renovator '
As we saw in and after the GFC, people have pared down their lifestyle to what is needed, what is important and what they love to do.
The Sunshine Coast region being only an hours drive from Brisbane CBD and soon to open its International Airport is now in the sights of those looking to work from home (which most workers now see as the new normal) at least part of the week.
Bernard Salt social commentator said, "similar to a seachange and greenchange we may see a wellbeing shift into the healthful and well spaced climes of towns and villages not too remote from capital cities."